#374 Colloidal LES 6AM

Art by Josh Stein

Published 5th November, 2024.

"By necessity, not choice, I am an American bricoleur, a shaper of whatever comes my way. I make art because it’s fun to fuck with people’s heads, to push back against yet hopefully leave a lesson for a world which mostly ignores my existence. I make artworks in metallic and fluorescent acrylics and industrial plastics because it’s even more fun to have people realize I am playing with them and then want it to continue, and these are the best tools to those ends. What magician doesn’t want a willing, incredulous audience and a stage conducive to transformation? Along the way, I take mostly disregarded industrial materials and elevate them into works which demand attention on their own terms. The goal is the substantiation of imagination: fooling the eye into seeing things it never imagined could exist, and then going beyond to ask for willing participation in a different way of seeing the world around us, externally and internally."

- Josh Stein

. H O L D E R . R E W A R D S .